Title Register

The Title Register is one of the 2 main documents of title (often called Title Deeds). It contains a description of the property, its tenure, name and address of the current owners, purchase price (if bought after April 2000), name & address of mortgagee and details of other charges, covenants, easements, cautions, notices and restrictions.

As every registered document is unique the amount of detail provided will vary with each property.

We also search, as a matter of course, the Day List, which is a list of pending applications and official searches. An example of listed pending registrations may include purchases, transfers, mortgages, charges, notices and restrictions.

If you would like to order documents for multiple properties at once, please click here.

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Title Plan

The Title Plan is the other main document of title. It shows a detailed outline of the property in relation to its surroundings, and often (especially with larger properties) has detailed and coloured markings referred to in the Title Register that illustrate rights of way, rights of access, watercourses (not drainage) and sections of land affected by easements and covenants. The general boundaries of the property itself are edged in red.

As every registered document is unique the amount of detail provided will vary with each property.

If you would like to order documents for multiple properties at once, please click here.

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Title Register or Title Plan for Land not having a full Postal Address

Map Search

This is a specialised search where no readily available method of identifying the property by its address or title number is available, and may take up to 5 days to complete. Once completed you will have an up to date copy of the Title Register and (if selected) the Title Plan, in addition to other Land Registry documents that we may obtain in the course of identifying the property.

As every registered document is unique the amount of detail provided will vary with each property.

The Title Register is one of the 2 main documents of title (often called Title Deeds). It contains a description of the property, its tenure, the name and address of the current owners, purchase price (recorded for sales after 2000), name & address of mortgagee and details of other charges, covenants, easements, cautions, notices and restrictions.

Historical Title Documents

Older copies of the Title Register can be obtained by using this search. However the earliest date we can search back to is May 1993 (which is when digital record keeping at the Land Registry first began). We cannot provide Title Registers dated before 1993.

The date that can be applied for depends greatly upon when the property first became registered and the date of the current ownership. For example if a property was first registered on 19 May 1994 and the current ownership began on 20 August 2007 we can obtain an Historical edition of Title Register for any date between 19 May 1994 and 20 August 2007.

You will need to specify a precise date to search or select one of our options which will allow the searcher to find an appropriate date if you are unsure. A separate fee is payable for each date searched and you will only receive one Title Register per search.

Please note this search will not provide details of ownership for all previous owners but only the owners at the date specified.

Because History Searches require old copies of documents they cannot be supplied digitally and may take 3 to 4 working days to provide.

As every registered document is unique the amount of detail provided will vary with each property.

Proving that you no longer own a Property

Sometimes government departments and local authorities require evidence that you no longer own a property. The best way to do this is to provide them with a copy of the current Title Register (which shows who the current owner is) and a Prior copy of the Title Register dating back to before the sale (which shows that you used to be the owner).


The Lease is the conveyancing document that dictates the rights between the landlord vendor (e.g. freeholder) and the buyer. It is usually a long document of anywhere between 20 to 50 pages and contains details of all the rights and covenants subsisting between the parties.

As every registered document is unique the amount of detail provided will vary with each property.

Since 2006 Leases always contain prescribed clauses at its beginning so as to provide easy reference to some of the main details, e.g. date, length, parties, property address, purchase price, easements, restrictive covenants, restrictions and ground rent.

Lease Extension Search

This search will provide all the documents needed for the required information necessary before preparing a notice of application for a Lease Extension. This will include the Leasehold and Freehold Title Registers, the Flat Lease and Head Lease, and the Title Register and Leases for any intervening Leases.


(Described in the Register as "copy filed")

These comprise copies of any deeds of conveyance, transfers, indentures, agreements, illustrative plans, epitomies, abstracts of title, licences and wayleave agreements that the Land Registry have filed with the Title Register. They are usually documents once used in the old pre-registration conveyancing process and do not constitute the main title documents. Their main value is their more detailed descriptions of covenants, easements and agreements contained within them.

The deeds for a property vary considerably in their nature, their length and their content; and each property's deeds are different from each other property.

Boundary Search

This search is the recommended search for anyone requiring information as to their property boundaries, including the boundaries of the house, garden or other land and responsibility for maintenance of fences and garden walls. In any matter involving a boundary dispute, whatever method is used to resolve it, obtaining this search is always the first step, as in most cases the information provided is all that is needed to avoid expensive litigation and surveys.

As every registered document is unique the amount of detail provided will vary with each property.

Please note that plans provided do not as a general rule include measurements, dimensions or angles (although in some instances they do).

You have the option to obtain documents for two, three or four adjoining properties.

Rights of Way Search

This search is the recommended search for anyone requiring information relating to either public or private rights of way affecting their property or adjoining property. Public rights of way are detailed within several environmental reports, and private rights of way (easements) are detailed in the Land Registry documents affecting the properties concerned.

As every registered document is unique the amount of detail provided will vary with each property.

Please note that plans provided do not as a general rule include measurements, dimensions or angles (although in some instances they do).