Most boundary disputes relate to narrow strips of garden, or maintenance of garden fences or walls. Because the Land Registry are bound by Section 60 of the Land Registration Act 2002 to show boundaries in a general way only this often leaves many property owners unsure of their property boundaries.

The default position is that there is no single document, deed or plan that will show property boundaries with any degree of precision. However, obtaining copies of all the officially registered documents for each property adjoining the disputed boundary, and reading them all together, will usually present a clear indication of the boundary positions. Where doubt still remains the application of established common law boundary presumptions will often resolve the matter.

Our Boundary Search provides all of the above, together with a detailed and fully illustrated handbook providing many examples of standard clauses appearing in the documents that can be used to resolve the dispute.

Whatever steps you decide to take to resolve your dispute you must always start with the documents we provide, so it makes sense to obtain these first, as doing so may obviate the necessity of taking any further steps and incurring unnecessary expense.

Boundary Searches

Property Boundary Search

This search is the recommended search for anyone requiring information as to their property boundaries, including the boundaries of the house, garden or other land and responsibility for maintenance of fences and garden walls. In any matter involving a boundary dispute, whatever method is used to resolve it, obtaining this search is always the first step, as in most cases the information provided is all that is needed to avoid expensive litigation and surveys.

As every registered document is unique the amount of detail provided will vary with each property.

Please note that plans provided do not as a general rule include measurements, dimensions or angles (although in some instances they do).

You have the option to obtain documents for two, three or four adjoining properties.